
The Bolivia Bucketlist For First Timers

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Whenever we think about South America travel, the first places that come to mind are Rio de Janeiro, Machu Picchu, Bogota— probably not anything in Bolivia, though. For me, Bolivia was not even on my list of places to visit for a while. I mean, what is there to see? Well, I’m so glad I made the trip out there. Bolivia was one of those places that really surprised me! I definitely plan on returning one day, but for anyone who has never been, I’m sharing some awesome spots to add to your Bolivia Bucketlist!

1. Cable car ride in La Paz.

Have you ever considered a cable car as a regular mode of transportation? Probably not. Well, I’m adding this to the Bolivia bucketlist because cable cars are iconic in La Paz. People take cable cars the same way we take buses and trains to work. The same way there’s different lines of buses and trains, there are different cable car lines, each one a different color. You can transfer colors at different stations, and they take you everywhere. Of course, the views going up and down are amazing! They seem to be never ending! Below are some shots I took while riding the yellow line.


2. The Witches’ Market

Bolivia Bucketlist

Yes, it’s what it sounds like… well sort of. The Witches’ Market is actually a popular tourist destination, and it’s named like that, well because, they’re run by local witches and here you will find potions and other medical plants they use for Bolivian rituals. You will also find dried up llama fetuses, which are used in offering ceremonies to Pachamama, a goddess known in the Andes region as Mother Nature.  I’ll admit, I was little hesitant to come here at first, but even if you aren’t into superstitions and rituals, you will also find some cool souvenirs and artesan crafts.

Llama fetuses for sale.
Traditional handmade clothing/bags
Souvenir central!

3. Train Graveyard— Uyuni, Bolivia

Bolivia Bucketlist

This place will make you feel like you’re transported into some kind of old school western film! You’re out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a whole bunch of abandoned trains! That’s basically what this “train cemetery” is. For the specific dates, you’ll have to Google this more, but at this graveyard you will find trains that were used from as far back as the early 1900’s. Back when the mining industry collapsed, trains used for transport were just left there on the tracks— creating a pretty cool site for travelers to explore.


The trains are huge, and they stretch out for quite a distance, much more than what these photos can even show! Perfect site for photographers!

Bolivia Bucketlist

4. Laguna Colorada, Potosí

La vie en rose for sure. Who knew beautiful pink lakes like this existed? This lake gets its color from red algae and other microorganisms present, creating for this heck of a view! And to top it off, hundreds of pink flamingos, a certain species indigenous to the Andes, just swimming around.

Bolivia Bucketlist
Photos really do not do justice. In person, this lake really looks like a sea of pink.
Bolivia Bucketlist
Besides the pink lake, you get a pretty awesome view of these (almost) pink mountains!

5. Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna National Reserve

Well, that was a mouthful— but this huge reserve, or never ending desert, like it seemed to me, is just undescribable! From here you can get a never ending view of the sky and so much more. One of the cool spots you’ll find here is Arbol de Piedra, or the Rock Tree— a whole bunch of rocks, giving off that Stonehenge vibe.

Bolivia Bucketlist

While we didn’t make it to the Laguna Negra, the Black Lake, we stopped by some awesome nearby spots for a photo op!

Bolivia Bucketlist

6. Salar de Uyuni Salt Flats

6A5EE477-644C-4726-947B-8B8CEC173E83.jpegLast but certainly not least, these salt flats are a MUST! In fact, any Bolivia bucketlist will probably have this place listed first. These are the largest salt flats in the world and well, the photos say it all! Not only will you get the most epic shots here, but you’ll also feel like you are in a dream. The perfect place to just sit back and take in the moment and relax. Unfortunately, at the time we went it was pretty windy. This prevented us from seeing clear reflections in the wet side of the salt flats, but definitely still got a great view.

Bolivia Bucketlist
And of course as the day went on, the sky just got even more blue!

Of course, my amazing (while short-lived) time in Bolivia couldn’t have been possible without a warm welcome from its locals. They took care of us throughout the entire three days we were there. If you ever decide to visit, check out the following tour agencies to make your stay much more easier.

For walking tours in La Paz, we had the pleasure of having Maya, a tour guide with Hanaq Pacha Travel. They have all sorts of tours, from walking tours which include them taking you on cable car rides, to food tours, allowing you to taste some of the delicious food Bolivia has to offer.

Our time in Uyuni could not have been what it was without the amazing people from Torre Tours.


Our tour included a guided tour through the middle of nowhere, literally. They offer jeep tours throughout Uyuni, extending all the way to Potosi, which is close to the Chilean border. Aside from the drivers, their company provided cooks that travelled with us, making sure our bellies were full each day with all that amazing food!

Bolivia Bucketlist

Lastly, while we spent barely any time in a hotel in La Paz, if you’re looking for something in the city center, Hotel Sagarnaga, where I got to stay for a few hours. It’s located literally around the corner from the Witches’ Market. It’s also within walking distance of many other great restaurants and shops!

Hope you enjoyed these photos ! If any of you have also been to Bolivia, feel free to make any suggestions of other places I should to this Bolivia bucketlist!