Packing Guides

Tips for Traveling With Carry On Only

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Whenever I travel, I always look for the cheapest flights possible. Fortunately, most of those flights allowed for one piece of carry on plus one checked baggage. Because my trips are usually around two weeks long, I like to carry as much essentials as I can, should I run into an emergency abroad. That’s why I always look for airlines that allow for at least one checked bag. I’ve noticed that in recent times though, basic economy flights are super popular because they are usually the cheapest. They come with a catch though, basic economy flights only allow carry on. I traveled to Europe last summer with just a carry on for two weeks. At first, I wasn’t sure how I’d manage to pack everything I needed for two weeks in just small luggage. However, after a lost luggage situation on a separate trip to Israel, I realized that I definitely had to learn how to travel with just a carry on. Not only am I prepared incase my bigger luggage gets lost, but I also get to take advantage of great flight deals. Here are my tips for traveling with a carry on only:

  • Double check your airline’s carry on size requirements. Let me first note that the following information is all based on standard carry on policies. Usually, a carry on must be within the 22in x 14 in x 9 in size. The standard weight is between 20-22 lbs. If you are flying in a smaller, domestic plane, you might need an even smaller carry on.
  • With less space and limited weight, you will need to obviously take less clothes. This is a tough one for me, because I like to take different outfits for different locations I’ll be shooting at. My solution: Think about if you are really going to use that outfit. For a two week trip, I would take around 10-12 different outfits. When I thought about it though, I realized I probably would want to wear half of them. Instead, take one outfit that you can re-use a second or third time. So, for a 14 day trip, take about 5-7 outfits. If you’re thinking this may still be too much to fit in a carry on, take the lightest clothes you have. I usually take usually light fabric dresses, as they also can be folded in without taking up a lot of space.
traveling with carry on only
Pack light fabric clothing and footwear that can go with more than one outfit.
  • Pick the right footwear. Shoes take up the most weight, so try to pack just one or two pairs of shoes that go with all your outfits. When I travel in the summertime, I usually take just two pairs of sandals, a black and a brown one.
  • Wear your heaviest outfits to the airport. This is one of the biggest space savers. Though I love to wear dresses, I always like to take jeans just incase. I usually take only one pair of jeans and a top, which I wear on the plane with a cardigan or jacket and a pair of sneakers. I still get to carry these items without having to pack them.
traveling with carry on only
You might need to carry some heavier clothing if you’re traveling to a colder destination. Wear all the sweaters/jackets you can on the plane to save you some packing space.
  • Bring a laundry soap bar. I realized that I could get away with carrying less clothes if I also brought along a laundry soap bar. Of course, you might have access to laundry service during your trip, but I prefer to save on the additional cost by doing my own laundry in the sink. Bringing my own detergent (make sure it’s a bar, as liquid won’t pass through with a carry on), allows me to re-use my clothes during my trip.
  • Pack an empty extra duffle bag (or two) and wear a backpack instead of a purse. In my experience, my purse or backpack, which are also known as your “personal item,” have never been weighed. Take advantage of this and pick the right bag. Instead of a small purse, take a backpack with you. I like to pack all my camera gear, chargers, beauty and hygiene products in a backpack, because they usually take up the most weight. This way, I still get to take a bit more than the standard 20 lbs of carry on. Last year, I also packed two small duffle bags in my backpack. In two weeks away, I knew I was going to end up shopping. I was able to put in all the excess stuff into my two duffles. Because it’s not a large luggage, you’ll be able to get away with it on the plane. Even if you’re on a packed flight, they’ll offer to place these items in the hold, for free.
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I still like to pack some kind of a purse to wear with my outfits, so I bring along one handbag that matches all my outfits, and I pack it inside of my backpack.
  • Make sure your bags have lots of storage room and use every available space you have! If you’re like me, you’ll want to buy some souvenirs during your trip. This adds up and can take a good chunk of space in your luggage, which is why you have to take advantage of all the zippers and pockets you have. Stuffing as much in you can into pockets will save you more space that you think. Even those little corners at the edge of your suitcase will serve as some storage if you stuff properly!
  • Roll instead of fold. I never really thought this made a difference, but rolling your clothes into your carry on instead of folding them really will save lots of space! Plus, in my experience, I’ve found that rolling clothes produces less wrinkles than folding, since there are not crease marks left behind.

My tip for luggage? There are many great brands for carry on luggage, but I have personally been using Calpak for some time. Calpak makes traveling with carry on only easy, as most of their luggage is hard shell and has lots of storage space inside.

If you’re looking for new luggage, this is a great brand to start with. You can find their selection on their site: If you’re looking for good deals, you can find Calpak in TJ Maxx as well!